
Eszter Mirka Sarkadi & László Sárkány


Eszter Mirka Sarkadi

I've been working as an Integrated Expression and Dance Therapist for 15 years, and I've always looked for new ways that help us go deeper and understand ourselves better. I started practicing shibari 6 years ago and immediately thought about how I could integrate it into my therapy work. What I experienced during the tying took me to such depths as no other method known to me until then. Since then I have been using shibari as a method of self-knowledge.

László Sárkány

For a long time, I have been interested in what we can do, what are the inner paths that can help us feel better in the world. Whether as a contact improvisation and shiatsu teacher, leading a men's group, or during mental health training, I am driven by the curiosity of how these different tools help us get to know ourselves. Shibari opens doors in us that we might not experience otherwise. I consider shibari to be an extremely powerful tool for self-improvement due to its definite and unavoidable physicality and its effect on emotions and self-knowledge.


  • The Healing Art of Shibari - Sit with the discomfort
  • The Healing Art of Shibari - Consent work
  • The Healing Art of Shibari - Mindfulness